Alhamdulillah puji sukur ke pada Allah SWT. yang telah memberikan rahmad, taufik dan hidayah-Nya sehingga kami dapat meyelesaikan makalah ini dengan judul, “Konsep Pendidikan Perspektif Kiai Hj Ahmad Dahlan”. Sholawat dan salam semoga tetap tercurahkan kepada Nabi Muhammad Saw yang telah mengangkis kita dari alam jahiliah menuju alam yang serba ilmiah.
Kami ucapkan terima kasih kepada dosen pengampu mata kuliah Filsafat Pendidikan Islam, Bapak Siswanto, M.PdI yang telah membimbing kami dalam menyelesaikan makalah ini.
Kami sadar makalah ini masih jauh dari kesempurnaan oleh karena itu saran yang konstruktif sangat kami harapkan.
A.Latar Belakang Masalah
Muhammadiyah merupakan organisasi islam terbesar di Indonesia, bahkan di dunia. Bahkan Pendidikan telah menjadi “trade-merk” gerakan Muhammadiyah besarnya jumlah lembaga pendidikan merupakan bukti konkrit peran penting Muhammadiyah dalam proses pemberdayaan umat islam dan pencerdasan bangsa. Dalam konteks ini Muhammadiyah tidak hanya berhasil mengentarskan bangsa Indoensia dan umat islam dari kebodohan dan penindasan, tetapi juga menawarkan suatu model pembaharuan sistem pendidikan “modern” yang telah terjaga identitas dan kelangsungannya.
Diskusi tentang pendidikan Muhammadiyah sebagai salah atu pembaharuan pendidikan islam di Indonesia tidak dapat dilepaskan dari pemikiran para pendirinya. Salah satu tokoh pendidikan Muhammadiyah yang paling menonjol adalah KH. Ahmad Dahlan. Oleh karenanya penulis akan membahas “Konsep Pendidikan dalam Perspektif Ahmad Dahlan”.
B.Rumusan Masalah
Agar pembahasan makalah ini tidak melenceng dari pembahasan, maka penulis menarik rumusan masalah sebagai berikut :
a.Bagaimana Riwayat Hidup Ahmad Dahlan ?
b.Bagaimana Konsep Pendidikannya ?
a.Riwayat Hidup KH. Ahmad Dahlan
Ahmad Dahlan lahir di Kauman (Yogyakarta) pada tahun 1898 dan meninggal pada tanggal 25 Pebruari 1923. Ia berangkat dari keluarga diktatis dan terkenal alim dalam ilmu agama. Ayahnya bernama KH. Abu Bakar, seorang imam dan khatib masjid besar kraton Yogyakarta. Sementara ibunya bernama Aminah, putri KH. Ibrahim yang pernah menjabat sebagai penghulu di kraton Yogyakarta.[1]
Pada usia yang masih muda, ia membuat heboh dengan membuat tanda shaf dalam masjid agung denan memakai kapur. Tanda shaf itu bertujuan untuk memberi arah kiblat yang benar dalam masjid. Menurut dia letak masjid yang tepat menghadap barat keliru, sebab letak kota Mekkah berada disebelah barat agak ke utara dari Indonesia. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian yang sederhana Ahmad Dahlan berkesimpulan bahwa kiblat di masjid agung itu kurang benar, dan oleh karena itu harus dibetulkan. Penghulu kepala yang bertugas menjaga masjid Agung dengan cepat menyuruh orang membersihkan lantai masjid dan tanda shaf yang ditulis dengan benar.[2]
KH. Ahmad Dahlan memperdalam ilmu agamanya kepada para ulma’ timur tengah. Beliau memperdalam ilmu fiqih kepada kiai Mahfudz Termas, ilmu hadits kepada Mufti Syafi’i, ilmu falaq kepada kiai Asy’ari Bacean. Beliau juga sempat mengadakan dialog dengan para ulama nusantara seperti kiai Nawawi Banten dan kiai Khatib dari Minangkabau yang dialog ini pada akhirnya banyak mengalami dan mendorongnya untuk melakukan reformasi di Indonesia adalah dialognya dengan syeikh Muhammad Rasyid Ridha, seorang tokoh modernis dari Mesir.
Dengan kedalaman ilmu agama dan ketekunannya dalam mengikuti gagasan-gagasan pembaharuan islam, KH. Ahmad Dahlan kemudian aktif menyebarkan gagasan pembaharuan islam ke pelosok-pelosok tanah air sambil berdagang batik. KH. Ahmad Dahlan melakukan tabliah dan diskusi keagamaan sehingga atas desakan para muridnya pada tanggal 18 November 1912 KH. Ahmad Dahlan mendirikan organisasi Muhammadiyah. Disamping aktif di Muhammadiyah beliau juga aktif di partai politik. Seperti Budi Utomo da Sarikat Islam. Hampir seluruh hidupnya digunakan utnuk beramal demi kemajuan umat islam dan bangsa. KH. Ahmad Dalhlan meninggal pada tanggal 7 Rajab 1340 H atau 23 Pebruari 1923 M dan dimakamkan di Karang Kadjen, Kemantren, Mergangsan, Yogyakarta.
b.Pemikiran Pendidikan KH. Ahmad Dahlan
Menurut KH. Ahmad Dahlan, upaya strategis untuk menyelamatkan umat islam dari pola berpikir yang statis menuju pada pemikiran yang dinamis adalah melalui pendidikan. Pendidikan hendaknya ditempatkan pada skala prioritas utama dalam proses pembangunan uamt.[3] Upaya mengaktualisasikan gagasan tersebut maka konsep pendidikan KH. Ahmad Dahlan ini meliputi :
1.Tujuan Pendidikan
Menurut KH. Ahmad Dahlan, pendidikan islam hendaknya diarahkan pada usaha membentuk manusia muslim yang berbudi pekerti luhur, alim dalam agama, luas pandangan dan paham masalah ilmu keduniaan, serta bersedia berjuang untuk kemajuan masyarakatnya. Tujuan pendidikan tersebut merupakan pembaharuan dari tujuan pendidikan yang saling bertentangan pada saat itu yaitu pendidikan pesantren dan pendidikan sekolah model Belanda. Di satu sisi pendidikan pesantren hanya bertujuan utnuk menciptakan individu yang salih dan mengalami ilmu agama. Sebaliknya, pendidikan sekolah model Belanda merupakan pendidikan sekuler yang didalamnya tidak diajarkan agma sama sekali. Akibat dialisme pendidikan tersebut lahirlah dua kutub intelegensia : lulusan pesantren yang menguasai agama tetapi tidak menguasai ilmu umum dan sekolah Belanda yang menguasai ilmu umum tetapi tidak menguasai ilmu agama.
Melihat ketimpangan tersebut KH. Ahamd Dahlan berpendapat bahwa tujuan pendidikan yang sempurna adalah melahirkan individu yang utuh menguasai ilmu agama dan ilmu umum, material dan spritual serta dunia dan akhirat. Bagi KH. Ahmad Dahlan kedua hal tersebut (agama-umum, material-spritual dan dunia-akhirat) merupakan hal yang tidak bisa dipisahkan satu sama lain. Inilah yang menjadi alasan mengapa KH. Ahmad Dahlan mengajarkan pelajaran agama dan ilmu umum sekaligus di Madrasah Muhammadiyah.
2.Materi pendidikan
Berangkat dari tujuan pendidikan tersebut KH. Ahmad Dahlan berpendapat bahwa kurikulum atau materi pendidikan hendaknya meliputi:[4]
a.Pendidikan moral, akhalq yaitu sebagai usaha menanamkan karakter manusia yang baik berdasarkan Al-Qur’an dan As-Sunnah.
b.Pendidikan individu, yaitu sebagai usaha untuk menumbuhkan kesadaran individu yang utuh yang berkesinambungan antara perkembangan mental dan gagasan, antara keyakinan dan intelek serta antara dunia dengan akhirat.
c.Pendidikan kemasyarakatan yaitu sebagai usaha untuk menumbuhkan kesediaan dan keinginan hidup bermasyarakat.
3.Model Mengajar
Di dalam menyampaikan pelajaran agama KH. Ahma dahlan tidak menggunakan pendekatan yang tekstual tetapi konekstual. Karena pelajaran agama tidak cukup hanya dihafalkan atau dipahami secara kognitif, tetapi harus diamalkan sesuai situasi dan kondisi.
§Cara belajar-mengajar di pesantren menggunakan sistem Weton dan Sorogal, madrasah Muhammadiyah menggunakan sistem masihal seperti sekolah Belanda.
§Bahan pelajaran di pesantren mengambil kitab-kitab agama. Sedangkan di madrasah Muhammadiyah bahan pelajarannya diambil dari buku-buku umum.
§Hubungan guru-murid. Di pesantren hubungan guru-murid biasanya terkesan otoriter karena para kiai memiliki otoritas ilmu yang dianggap sakral. Sedangkan madrasah Muhammadiyah mulai mengembangkan hubungan guru-murid yang akrab.
Dari pembahasan di atas penulis dapat menyimpulkan bahwasanya kiai haji ahmad dahlan berasal dari keluarga terpandang ayahnya seorang imam hotip masjit besar keraton jogjakarta.
ide-ide yang di kemukakan kiai hj ahmad dahlan adalah membawa pembaruan dalam bidang pembentukan lembaga pendidikan islam yang semua sistem pesantren menjadi sistem klasikal, memasukkan pelajaran umum kepada madrasah. meskipun demikian, kiai hj dahlan tetap mendahulukan prndidikan moral atau ahlak, pendidikan individu dan pendidikan kemasrakatan.
[1] Dr. H. Samsul Nizar, MA, Filsafat Pendidikan Islam : Pendidikan historis, teoritis, (Jakarta: Ciputat Pers, 2002) hlm. 100
[2] Delias Noer, Gerakan Modern Islam di Indonesia, (Jakarta: LP3ES, 1985), hlm 85
This method also called natural method, it was established in Germany, frame around 1900, and are best represented by the methods devised by Berlitz and Sauze. this method become very popular during the first quarted of 20\th century., especially in private language schools in Europe where highly motivated students could study new languages and not need to travel far in order to try them out and apply them communicatively. one of the famous advocated of the direct method was the American Charlez Berlitz, whose school and Berlitz method are now world-renowned.
This method was the out come of are action against the grammar translation method. It was based on the assumption that the leaner of a foreign language should think directly in the target language and refrains from using the learners’ native language, just use the target language and operates on the idea that second learning must be an imitation of first language learning as this is the natural way humans learn any language a child never relies on another language to learn its first language, and thus the mother tongue is not necessary to learn a foreign language the direct method places great stress on correct pronunciation and the target language from out advocates teaching of oral skills at the expense of every traditional aim of language teaching.
According to this method, printed language and text must be kept away from second language learner for as long as possible, just as a first language leaner does not use printed word until he has good grasp of speech. Learning of writing and spelling should be delayed until after the printed word has been introduced, and grammar, translation should be avoided because this would involve the application of the learner’s first language. All above items must be avoided because they hinder the acquisition of a good oral proficiency.
I.2. Communicative Approach
The communicative approach was developed by Robert Langs MD, in the early 1970’s it is a new theory or paradigm of emotional life and psychoanalysis that is centered on human adaptations to emotionally-charged events-with full appreciation that such adaptations take place both within awareness and out side of awareness. the approach gives full credence to the unconscious side of emotional life and has rendered it highly sensible and incontrovertible by discovering a new, validated, and deeply meaningful way of decoding unconscious messages.
The main purpose of foreign language teaching is to communicate with language. Meanwhile, communicative approach is the effective way to achieve this goal. Through out more that twenty years, this method has been confirmed and spread widely. Communicate approach is the innovation of the foreign language teaching not only does it improve students’ communicative competence effectively, but also carries out the quality education in languages. The communicative approach emphasizes that the ability to use language appropriately is another essential aspect of communicative competence the principle applied here is that grammatical competence and lexical know ledge are not enough to enable students to operate efficiently in target language.
in the intervening years, the communicative app[roach has been adapted to the elementary, middle, secondary, and post secondary levels. known under a variety of names, including national-functional, teaching for proficiency based instruction and communicative language teaching
II.1. Theory of Learning
·Direct Method
üInductive learning is essential. There is direct relation between form and meaning.
üSecond learning is similar to first language acquisition there is a direct exposure to the target language exposure of long chunks in he target language.
üLearning process is full variety and is never wearisome. The language is the living speech. Listening speaking and reading is valid rather than writing.
ülearning occurs naturally
üLearning of writing and spelling should be delayed until after the printed word has been introduced.
üLearning of grammar and translation skills should be avoided because they involve the application of the mother tongue
·Communicative Approach
üLearning is a process of creating construction and involves trial and error.
üActivities that involve real communication promote learning
üLanguage that is meaning-full to the leaner supports the learning process
II.2. Theory of Language
·Direct Method
üLanguage is for oral use, knowing a language was being able to speak there is a direct relation between form and meaning
üNo other language should interfere when learning a language
üLanguage is primarily spoken, not written. there fore student study common, everyday speech in the target language
üVocabulary is emphasized over grammar, since there is no permission for translation, vocabulary teaching takes a lot of time.
üGrammar is also tough through question and answer activities about the passages.
·Communicative Approach
üLanguage is for communication
üThe goal of language teaching of develop “communicative competence”
üUsing the language appropriately in social contexts is important and should be acquired
üLanguage according to the communicative approach
-language is a system for expression of meaning
-the primary function of language is for instruction and communication
-the structure of language reflects its functional and communicative uses
-the primary units of language are not merely its grammatical and structural features, but categories of functional and communicative meaning as exemplified in discourse
II.3. Objective or Goal
·Direct Method
üteaching student how to communication in the target language
üteaching of thinking in the target language
üteacher are to create such a classroom atmosphere to make student ready to understand and talk about the dialogues or the passages
üTeacher are also expected to use actions and pictures related to the teaching matters in the dialogues.
·Communicative Approach
üTo make students communicatively competent, able to use language appropriate for a given social context; to the teaching matters in the dialogues.
II.4. Activity Types
·Direct Method
ürending aloud :
-The student read aloud about the passage
-The teacher uses gestures, pictures, realia, or other means to help student understand the meaning
üQuestion and answer exercise
-The student ask question about the map using target language
-The teacher answer the students question by drawing on the blackboard or giving examples
üConversation practice
-The teacher asks individual students of question in the target language
-The students have to understand to be able to answer correctly
üFill in the blank exercise
-The teacher asks to the students to fill in blanks
-The students fill in blank with prepositions practiced in the lesson.
-The teacher reads the passage three times and the cast time he again reads a normal speed
-The students write down what they heard, and the check their work
üMap drawing
-The student were given a map with the geographical features unnamed
-The teacher gave instructions for finding and labeling one geographical feature
üParagraph writing
-The teacher asked to write a paragraph in the student..### Words
-The student could have done this from memory or they could have used the reading passage in the lesson as a model
·Communicative Approach
üAuthentic materials
-The teacher give the a copy of a genuine news paper article and tell the student to underline the reporter’s predictions
-The student try to state the reporter’s predictions in different word
üScrambled sentences
-The teacher gives a text in which the sentences are in a scrambled order. This is type of exercise about the cohesion and coherences properties of language
-The student unscramble the sentences so that the sentence are restored to their original order
üLanguage game
-The teacher divides the students in small group and gives them an opportunity to express their ideas and opinions
-The students find them enjoyable, and if they are properly designed, they give students valuable communicative practice
üPicture strip story
-The teacher gives each group of students a strip story and a task to perform
-The students work with a partner to predict what the next picture in the strip story will look like
-The teacher tells the students who they are, what the situation is. And what they are talking about
-The students are to do a role-play. They imagine as what the teacher tell.
II.5. Learner and Teacher Role
·Direct Method
üLearner Role
-Learners are active participants
-Learners have to take a part in the classroom activities and to be good listeners first.
-Learner are filled with various desires which they express in speech realize their role. They are always to revise what has been taught.
üTeacher Role
-The teacher usually directs the interaction but they are not as dominant as in GTM. Some times acts like a partner of the student
-The teacher are to undertake a great effort since they are not allowed to talk mother tongue. They are to find meaningful teaching materials to study along with the texts in the book
-The teacher try to make the student understand the general rules and structures through the stretches of the target language studied in classroom.
·Communicative Approach
üLearner Role
-Learners are communicators
-Learners are engaged in negotiating meaning actively
-Learners are responsible managers of their own learning (larsen Freeman,1986)
üTeacher Role
-The teacher is a facilitator of his/ her student learning.
-The teacher is a manager of classroom activities.
-The teacher acts as an advisor and monitors student performance.
-The teacher’s role is primarily to facilitate communication and only secondarily to correct errors.
II.6. The Role of Instructional Materials
·Direct Method
There are there kind of materials. They can be used as the basis for classroom activities.
üReading passage materials which can use in the classroom activities for topics.
üDialogues or conversation practice between teacher and student for situation in learning-teaching process in the classroom.
üPlays for situation in learning-teaching process are used.
·Communicative Approach
üAuthentic material: articles from magazines or newspapers, short story which are used by native speakers in real life are used as class materials.
üCommunicative activities (information gap, opinion gap activities) are used promote students’ communication in classes.
üPicture, and other visual aids and realia are very important to support meaning.
üTask based activities are also used to promote student involvement in class.
II.7. Native and Target Language
·Direct Method
üThe student native language should not be used in the classroom
üThe students use the target language in the classroom
·Communicative Approach
üStudent native language has no particular role in this method
üTarget language should be used not only during activities but also when the teacher is giving explanation, instruction and homework
üTarget language is as tool for communication, not a subject to study
Direct method
Communicative approach
1. The teacher acts like partner of student.
2. Vocabulary is emphasized over grammar.
3. Learning occurs naturally.
4. In student feeling, there are no principles which relate to this area.
5. This method tries to establish a direct link between the target language and learning.
6. The most important skill is listening.
7. The syllabus in this method is basedon situation.
8. The student error is the student lets to self-correct whatever possible.
9. Learners are active participants.
10. Grammar is taught inductively.
1. The teacher is a facilitator of the student.
2. Language function are emphasized over forms.
3. Learning is process of creative construction and involves trial and error.
4. In student feeling, student will be more motivated to study a foreign language.
5. This method stands out with its emphasis not only on unguis tic forms and meaning but also on functions.
6. The most important skill is speaking.
7. Syllabus usually (but not always) functional-functional syllabus are used.
8. Student errors are seen as natural outcome the development of communication skill.
9. Learners are communicator.
10. Grammar is taught explicitly.
III. 2. Similarities between Direct Method and Communicative Approach
üThe aim of each method is teaching language for communication
üEach method using target language in the classroom activities
üLanguage viewed of each method is primarily spoken or for communication
üIn student-student interaction each method is interact a great deal with one another
üThe teacher in each method may ask the student in written skill.
üThere is reading section for the first class presented of each method.
üEach method work on four skill (reading, writing, speaking listening)
üThe culture viewed of each method is the daily lives of people.
üIn evaluation accomplished of each method using oral or communicative test.
üIn students’ native language of each method is not used in the classroom activities.
Less playing attention to writing, reading, and comprehension
No based on a scientific method
Conveying meaning with no translation at all to the first language were major problem.
Prevention of mis understanding without any reference at all to the first language
Applying the direct method beyond the elementary levels
Second language should se learned in way which first language was acqulced, but obviously far less time
Effectiveness of these verbalizing skills depends an maturation level of the child or type of environment on intelligence
First language learning process really applicable to second foreign language learning at later stage
The student’s dissatisfaction in the long run causes and invalidates the classroom situation
Vocabulary teaching takes a lot of time
Paying attention to speaking interaction between teacher and students
It is a natural method, it teaches the foreign language in the same way as one learns one s mother tongue
No gap between active and passive vocabulary
This method is based on sound principles of education
This method shifts the focus in early instruction from the literary language to the spoken language
The direct method abandoned first language as the frame of reface for second language
The teachers do not spend a great deal of time explaining grammar, setting up complicated exercises and managing paper flow.
Teacher this developed new non – translational techniques.
This gave rise to the focus an a text book, to illustrating meanings through objects and answers, to using spoken narratives
The ultimate aim is developing the ability to think in the target language
The Primary goal of direct method and communicative approach is how to use a foreign language to communicate. The direct method and communicative approach are similar in that they all aim at teaching language for communication. How ever, each of method has its own way to achieve its goal. while the direct method tries to establish a direct link between the target language and meaning by immersing students in rich sample of the structural and lexical items being taughtand the communicative approach stands out with its emphasis not only on linguistic forms and meaning but also on factions. Before the communicate language method appear, the previous method is direct method which is the out come of a reaction against the previous method. Although, all the methods described so far are symbolic of the progress foreign language teaching ideology underwent in the last century. these were methods that came and went, influenced or gave birth to new methods–in a cycle that could only be described as competition between rival methods or passing fads in the methodological theory underlying foreign language teaching. finally, by the mid-eighties or so, the industry was maturing in its growth and moving towards the concept of broad “ approach “ to language teaching that encompassed various method, motivations for learning English, types of teachers and the need of individual classroom and students themselves.
The academic and intellectual word may see the direct method as being quite unusual and non-traditional. However, direct method is who wanted to learn a foreign language without having to be too concerned about grammatical translation.
The communicative approach is only deemed successful if the teacher understands the student. The goal of this method is to have student speak the language fluently enough for notive speakers to understand what they are saying.
In the cause of its development, the direct method underwent certain changes of growth. the teacher followed the natural process by which a person learns its mother tongue, that is by imitation, repetition and direct association. Communicating teacher makes the students adopt not only the basic spoken principles of the language, but also the culture of it. In fact, language with the means of communication enables to merge with a foreign language culture by communication psychological abilities, adapting which makes an impact one’s mind listening to someone’s speech.